Thursday, January 3, 2013

Improving myself

Is it bad that I don't know how to title posts anymore?

(As you can tell from my title, this is no longer the case.)

On a better note: Two blog entries in one week! Woot!
I've made it on of my resolutions to blog weekly, and I've already succeeded this week, twice!

Also, my iPod decided to go all wacky on me and froze up on me on Saturday, so I got it fixed today, but they had to wipe my hard drive :( This means I've lost some important notes, but more importantly it's working again. I guess this is a good thing? I haven't decided, but I will mourn my notes.
R.I.P Roxanne's Notes

There was a huge funeral, they were widely mourned, and many tears were shed.
Not really.

I ran into a upsetting issue while Rping today(yes I do rp). I found that one of my characters had turned out a lot whinier then I intended her to be, or least that's how she came off to me as, I don't know if the others felt the same way, so I spent most of the day musing over how to fix it as well as move along the plot as it had been static(on my part anyways) as well as set up for future romance for her.

English class is a huge eye opener for me. It's not just the books we read, though those do have an effect on me, it's the way my fellow classmates act and how they view things. For example we were reading Ray Bradbury's interview he did at comic con on his book and he said that he came up with the characters, but they told them their stories, not him making up the stories for them. As a writer, I could totally relate, but nearly all my classmates just couldn't wrap their heads around it, even though I tried to explain it to them, but they just didn't get it... It was then that I realized HOW different I am from my classmates, and even other teens. I shared this to my friends as well and only the really artisty ones and the writers understood(which are like 3 out of my inner circle of friends). Another issue is cell-phones and social interaction. As an introvert, I don't like hanging out with people, but they don't understand this, and it blows their minds that I can't text. Sometimes I feel like I live in the wrong place, and it amuses me.

Another resolution I have made is to be more assertive and write at least seven hours a week. So far I'm falling behind on the later one, and I just made the former one.

I just realized how short my posts are. Huh. Well, hopefully I'll get better as the year goes on.

"Not all those who wander are lost."
~J.R.R Tolkien


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